This weekend I didn't get to watch as many movies as I usually do, but I did get a lot of reading and writing done.
Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star - this is the second in the Fablehaven series. If you have not started to read the series yet, I recommend it. I believe it to be a very creative idea for a stories. The characters are enjoyable even when evil. This one does a good job of making you not totally aware of who is fighting for good and evil until it is absolutely necessary to find out. Kendra is now blessed with new powers which she continues to learn throughout the story and since no one is able to compare what happened to her in the first story - there continue to be surprises which I am sure will surface in future stories. Thankfully the third in the series is out Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague but the fourth in the series doesn't come out until April 2009. I have also picked up his new book and it is the next I am starting on - The Candy Shop War. Brandon Mull could easily become one of my favorite writers.
I made quite a bit of work towards finishing Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore. I started the book several years ago and got about halfway through. An old classmate of mine has re-perked the interest for me to finish it. I am enjoying it, but there is so much sarcasm and Biff basically claims to have invented just about everything (I think he just discovered matches, lol). For some reason it is a lot to take in - I think it will become one of my car books to read when I am on the road and possibly waiting for friends and/or appointments.
Now I have not been on a good run of movies lately - in fact, have been more than a little irritated about them. I recently watched The Sasquatch Gang and while I realize that I only have myself to blame - they are promoting it as made by the same people who make Napoleon Dynamite, so I had some hope of enjoying it. I didn't.
Last night I considered going to see The Happening as I love M Night Shyamalan's stuff and Mark Wahlberg - so it was win, win, right? Well, I made the mistake of looking at the yahoo critiques/users ratings and saw that it is getting a C by the critique and the Yahoo users are giving it a C-. Well, that and some article on Yahoo's home page saying 'nothing happens in The Happening,' swayed me to reconsider.
So I stuck in movie which I have been wanting to see called Breakfast With Scot. It's a gay themed movie which is absolutely delightful. The story is great, the actors are spectacular. The message is wonderful and the feeling I got from finishing that movie was very happy and peaceful. This one is a movie I highly recommend and give 5 stars to as well.
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