I am about 3/4's the way through the second Fablehaven story by Brandon Mull (and loving it). I tend to read it over my lunch hour. I was planning on finishing it last week, but got sidetracked when the new Odd Thomas - Odd Hours came out. I love that character. I actually had it as a book on tape. I have to admit that the first and second books are still my favorite, and while I enjoyed it, it was not one of my favorites. However, I did love the end. I won't spoil it, but I loved the end. I want to finish the second Fablehaven book, to get to the third which I also have - seriously good books people. I also picked up some new books to read - and tried reading the new Stephanie Meyers book, The Host. I am having a hard time getting into it. I think I thought it was going to be another vampire book, that was written specifically for adults and it isn't. I think I know the direction it is going, but am still unsure. I am not enjoying it as much, so I have put it off for now. I have several others I could be reading that I will focus on at this time instead.
I have been catching up on some of my shows that I tape throughout the year to catch up on during down time. No movies have been grabbing me that I have to see them right this minute - there is still a couple of tear jerkers which I haven't had the heart to watch yet, but I will. And I have also enjoyed a new show that I have never watched before - Step Up and Dance - on Bravo. I love it (if I am honest I probably watched it more for the two straight guys which I have true crushes on), but I am enjoying the show. I can't stop listening to Rhianna's Umbrella ever since they had the challenged to learn part of the background dancers' steps. I am thinking that those kind of things would be a great wieght-loss program (don't you) practicing the dances from musicals and music videos? I have said it before, but have never tried it.
My weight-loss group met last night and I was the biggest loser for the last 6 weeks - we are doing another 6 week challenge, so I have to up my game, maybe creating my own exercise program with some of these dvd's is the way to go (I have always wanted to move my hips like Shakira in Hips Don't Lie - now's my chance!!!)
Test after a long time!
10 hours ago
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