I have to say that this has been a pretty wonderful week for a lot of reasons. First of all I got to start it hanging out with friends working on a TEC weekend. Then when we went out to dinner to my friend Sr. Suzanne's favorite place to dine - The Bohemian Cafe - I actually found a reasonably priced meal there that I can tolerate when she comes home - of course, because of all the gravy, it wasn't great for my diet, but I will know next time to get it on the side - lessons learned, right?
The next day I finally received my contacts in the mail - even though the prices were good - I will never use JustLenses.com again - their customer service was absolutely terrible. I do get a $50 rebate, but that comes from the company who made the contacts. I can't believe how good I look, lol. I actually can't believe how much better I can see and that I can actually wear contacts throughout the day without them drying the hell out of my eyes.
Even after cooking and being around all that unhealthy food all weekend - I still managed to lose a pound and hit the 10 lb. mark. In the past I have always lost so much faster, but I am really trying to be realistic in my losing weight this time - not going for just the 'diet' stuff, but the real stuff that will make me happy while I am letting go of the lbs. I ended up being really tired that night though and decided to not go to my writers group. I did go home and do some writing to off-set a bit of my guilt but, not as much as I probably could have.
The next night (Thursday) was wonderful. I was beat (work kinda drained me this week), but on the way to my last appointment for the night, I started thinking of something and before I knew it, I was into one of my stories. I didn't realize it at first and then it was suddenly like, 'oh my God, I am in my story 'Peace Died Today.' And I had found the voice. I have had a semi-outline for this story for about 3 years now - and have started a couple of the chapters, but they have not seemed right - I did write a prologue for the story (which I am still not sure if it is the prologue or will be used as a subtle way of introducing the character. It means some re-writing of some of what I have and a creative way of telling the story, but I found the stories voice and I am happy about it. I actually think I might be trying something a little unique - I would be curious to find out if there is any others out there who have done what I am planning. I am going to be telling the story in the first and third person perspective - it will be the same person telling the story - parts he will be telling about himself and other parts will have him speaking as if he were on the outside watching and telling the story. I like to think it's a little unique - I have a feeling it will be difficult, but I am really exited about it.
Then I go to an appointment and this Dad just loves me - he loves the ideas I am bringing him and his family and the tools I am providing for him to try. I am thrilled because each of the things I have coached him through have been wonderful tools for his family. He is truly making progress and he is excited about it. It really left me with a good feeling for the job I do - and that was needed in a week that I was feeling a little exhausted and wondering why we do what we do.
I went home and I wrote, I really got a good start on the story before I fell asleep. But man it flowed out so easily. It was nice.
Today, I got off work a little early and rented Game Plan - The Rock's new movie because my buddy, Ryan told me that I would like how much he is lacking a shirt - I love how my friends watch out for me.
Test after a long time!
7 hours ago
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