A couple of things to discuss. Last night I watched one of those movies that truly inspired me to do 'more'. I watched the movie "Once" and it has this simply and beautiful message of going for your dreams. It was a very sweet story of romance and friendship and the music was unbelievable. I couldn't wait to get the cd. The songs are so beautiful, I am now trying to find everything they have done. I guess the two of them, Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova have another cd together and he is the lead singer of a band called The Frames (I am trying to get my hands on some of theirs to check them out). I can't say enout about this movie other than to tell you to rent it and watch it.
As for extending the week - I remember one dream last night - and I remember it very vividly. I received an envelope in the mail and when I opened it, it included an acceptance letter for my Wishman story with recommendations for some adjustments. Two funny things about this: 1. I was thinking it was week 11, so that as of next week, had I not heard from them it was time to start resending. and 2. I did not interpret it to take it literally, but more as an encouragement to start getting it out there again.
I don't know if I have already shared this, but I went through this positive thinking seminar and read a bit of The Secret which talks about how we plan for and perceive things - instead of hoping for it, plan for when it happens. So I have done that and have kept that mindset throughout this submission. I have planned to hear from them in week 10 - which is not a great week, since I am being told that the majority of the writing markets do not accept submissions during the Dec./Jan. months. I just finished pulling out the calendar to count the 12 weeks so I can have the story ready to submit when it is up. This is the 10th week - so Houghton/Mifflin, you still have a few days to make my plans come true.
Christmas was a lot of fun - a long day, but a lot of fun. It seems Wii's and Zunes were the big gifts for the nieces and nephews. Worst gift this Christmas - um, yea, like I am going to post that, LOL!
Test after a long time!
6 hours ago
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