Monday, July 14, 2008

Writing Prompt

Now I know that the video appears to be sideways - it is not the video - it is your computer. I will give you a few moments to turn your computer onto it's side. Go now.

Hopefully that was enough time. I had a niece and nephew stay the night on Saturday. They kept wanting to play on the swingset in the yard - especially the jungle bars since they aren't allowed on the slide (it's too high). Saturday night our fun consisted of me carrying them across the bars while they touched each one. The fun was missed out by me, but they loved it and giggled. I kept trying to get them to do it on their own, but it wasn't happening.

The next morning, the same thing - they wanted me to carry them, but all of a sudden B said, 'just a minute' and did it on her own. I called her Wonder Woman and she did it over and over (probably another 10 times and I caught one of them on tape).

I think about what a great time we are in - that it is so easy to catch the little things (which is actually what the prompt is about). I tried to remember the first thing that I remember being proud of. And then I wondered, how do you catch that on paper.

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