Last night was another working night at the festival. We had quite a few directors come in. I was kicking myself because I checked in the director from The Listening Project and for some reason I was thinking of something else. I would have loved to let him know how much I enjoyed that documentary. I am not a huge fan of documentaries, but that one really grabbed me. Basically, 4 people go to something like 19 countries and they ask the question, 'what do you think of America.' I saw it with 3 other people who initially struck me as a little cynical about it, expecting everyone to be on an American slam-jam or something. It wasn't like that at all. It was interesting to hear how much America is being compared to the Fall of the Roman Empire. One guy from England really struck me when he said, think back just 100 years, 'we were the power country.' A very interesting perspective. It was also cool to hear how many have such positive things to say about Americans in general although it was pretty much unanimous that our government is not liked - especially George Bush. I am still kicking myself today for missing that opportunity to let him know how much I enjoyed it, but oh well, there might be other chances throughout the weekend.
I got to meet the director of one of my favorite shorts 'Validation,' which is just purely delightful. It stars a guy who is on bones and is just a fun play on the word 'Validation.' My favorite directo to talk with so far came from England (I believe - it might be Wales, but I can't remember). He directed the short - Double Act - how cool is it that he came across the ocean for his short. I love talking with his guy - as I think I have mentioned, BBC America is one of my favorite channels so he has been letting me know if they are coming back or not. I guess we are a season or two behind Dr. Who, so the sidekick he has now is not his sidekick right now. I guess Catherine Tate comes in to be his sidekick in the next season, which is cool to me. She was so funny in her comedy show, so I am guessing she adds and element I will enjoy. I am sure I am bugging this guy, but he is very generous and pleasent to talk with.
The night ended with a trip to Julio's for a drink and a taco. The bartender was HOT, so that's always a nice end to my evening. Plus I am just having fun talking with some of the volunteers, directors, oh and I met Jon Bokenkamp who was with the director of 'Validation.' Tonight I am working and then off to Julio's for another drink and taco.
I have planned my movies for the next two days - just in case anyone is interested in going with me.
Friday -
5:30 - Jetsam
7:30 Short Films #1
10:30 House of Fears
Saturday -
11:30 - Short Films #2
2:30 - Oil on Water
5:00 - Nebraska Shorts
7:30 Home of the Giants
9:30 The Wretched
Test after a long time!
4 hours ago
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