One of my favorites right now is Stardust and I cannot wait to own this movie on DVD. I am not sure why it grabbed me and pulled me in (though the leading actor is a hottie and who can complain about something with Michelle Pfeiffer – I love her and have forgiven her for Frankie and Johnny). I thoroughly enjoyed this movie so much that I rushed right out to get the book and read it. Another enjoyable book. It was interesting to see how much they changed from the book to the movie (and it was significant), but the changes made sense to me to make the movie book. Both are enjoyable and worth the time.
3:10 To Yuma. I have to admit, I am not always the biggest fan of westerns. I thought Unforgiven was okay, but not spectacular, I didn’t really like Dances with Wolves, Silverado, and many of the other great westerns of our days. Some of the old John Wayne ones, I have to admit I enjoy, but wonder if some of that has more to do with childhood nostalgia than taste (my friend Ed would probably shoot me for that one). But I enjoyed 3:10 To Yuma – it actually took me a little longer than I thought it should to become interested in it, but once I was interested, it grabbed me and had me sitting on the edge of my seat.
I am really looking forward to the new movie coming soon Across The Universe – it’s listed as ‘not playing in your area’ but doesn’t have a release date – but it really looks like my type of movie. August Rush is another that I am loving the previews for and looking forward to getting to see.
I was thrilled to get an old family favorite that was on HBO or Showtime a lot when we first got cable called O’Hara’s Wife. I recently obtained it from my Blockbuster Total Access and was tickled to get to see it again – the ending still makes me sob. I need to find the song that is played throughout it that starts out ‘somebody lied to me…’
I also watch a lot of television - but it just seems too early in the season to start listing the shows I am watching, it would probably be easier (but much less interesting) to list what I am not watching. Maybe another day.
Test after a long time!
6 hours ago
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